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STEM pattern

As teachers prepare and facilitate AP®  courses,
they may find the following resources useful. 

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nmsi logoThis site contains material and resources provided by NMS (National Math and Science) for teachers to use in their classrooms.


box logoBox is Microsoft's cloud based file storage that AP-TIP IN uses to share secure documents and files. Each member of the AP-TIP IN team has access to these files as does the Designated Administrator for the high school.


Google Apps


AP-TIP uses Google apps for surveying our grant teachers and for sharing general information with our grant teachers.


college board logo College Board AP Central website has links for AP course resources, exam resources, a link for applying to become an AP reader and the all important AP potential tool.


texas instruments logo Downloads, student activities and more are all located on TI's website.  Keep your technology functioning and up to date with the most current software updates.


vernier logoSupport for all of your Vernier probeware and equipment. Keep your technology functioning at it's highest level.


pasco logoPasco probeware support and downloads will be found at this website. Keep your technology functioning at it's highest level.


Remind Remind is a great communication tool to use with your students, parents, and teachers. We use it at our AP Summer Institute and have used it for our Student Saturday Conferences.