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STEM pattern

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the program for a particular school type?

Schools from all sectors, such as public schools, charter schools, and Catholic schools, are welcome to apply.

My school is too small to field a team of three people. What should I do?

If your school is too small to field a team of at least three teachers who meet the eligibility critieria, two schools in close physical proximity can apply as a joint School Team. It is recommended that there be at least two team members from each school. As special cases, prospective joint School Teams should receive permission from the program. Please reach out to

Can my principal attend the Summer Institute or be a part of our team?

We are grateful for such strong administrative support, but at this time we do not allow individuals with evaluative roles to be a part of our STEM Teaching Fellowship school team, unless they also have an instructional role in one of the STEM disciplines.  We do encourage strong communication with administration.  We incorporate online virtual meetings with administration during summer sessions. In addition, during the second summer, one administrator is invited to the Notre Dame campus to work with the team for a two-day workshop.

When is the Summer Institute?

The Summer Institute is generally held during two weeks in July. 

Our school is outside of the United States. Can we still apply?

The Notre Dame STEM Teaching Fellowship is open to schools located in the United States only.

I have a conflict with the Summer Institute, can I still be a Fellow?

The Summer Institute is an essential part of the STEM Teaching Fellowship. If you cannot attend the full Summer Institute we encourage you to apply during a different year.

Can my family join me in South Bend during the Summer Institute?

At this time we are unable to provide accommodations for your family at Notre Dame. However, your family is welcome to come visit over the weekend or make their own arrangements in South Bend.

How much does the Fellowship cost for the Fellow?

There is no cost to the Fellow. Notre Dame is able to cover all food, lodging, and travel for the duration of the Fellowship.

Why is there a school fee?

The cost to educate each Fellow is approximately $20,000, so a School Team with 3 Fellows receives about $60,000 of investment in their school from the Fellowship. To offset some of the professional development costs, we ask for a small investment of $1,000 per Fellow for each of the two school years in the program. For example, a school with a team of 3 Fellows would fund $6,000 over two years for their school team. Title funds can be used to pay this fee, and also financial aid is available. Cost should not be a barrier to applying to this program. 

What is the Rise Summit?

While the majority of the professional development time is spent during the summer sessions, all Fellows meet up at a common location in January to reconnect, refocus, and participate in a two-day professional development session. All travel, lodging, and supplies are covered by the Fellowship; however, the school is expected to pay for two days of substitute teachers for this time.